Scilly Season - highlights from 2020
This report covers sightings made from short-range pelagic trips aboard MV Sapphire. The season started late with the first trip on 6 July, due to the first Covid19 lockdown, and the last trip on 22 October. Scheduled Birder Special Pelagics ran Friday to Monday inclusive throughout August, including the annual Oriole Birding weekend charter, and were mainly fully booked. Highlights of the year included a Zino’s Petrel and two Humpback Whales. Notable was a good passage of Wilson’s Storm-petrels July to September, with the latest ever record logged on 21 September, and an August Leach’s Storm-petrel. Great Shearwater passage was good, but Cory’s passage was rather light. Another ‘Scopory’s’ Shearwater was photographed. Representation of other seabirds was typical and close views offered photographers a great opportunity to add to or to improve upon their seabird portfolio.
Read and download the full report here.